Next week on The BACK LOUNGE it’s BURNOUT and managing the highs and the lows – from too much FEAST to deathly quiet FAMINE. Whatever your experience of yet another summer of extremes, join the conversation. Hosting this week is me- ‘Hello my name is Suzi & I’m a workaholic’ Tour Manager – and Paul Jones dazed & confused and last man standing Technical Production Manager. Everyone working (or currently not working) across touring, live events and festivals so welcome DM for zoom link

This Wednesday on The BACK LOUNGE Rowan Mcdonagh (The Cowshed) is hosting whilst I am out in a field somewhere fighting the good fight. It’s a check in, bring whatever you want to talk about, the good, the bad and ‘the no one would possibly believe it back home….’ Everyone welcome Wednesday 7th August 6pm BST London / 7pm CET / 1pm EDT / 10am PDT. DM for the zoom link ❤

This Wednesday on The BACK LOUNGE, as we roll into August, how’s your summer shaping up? All sunsets & dustbowls or mud & catering is on the other side of site & closes in 10 minutes?! It’s a check in this week, bring your highs & lows & everything else in-between. Join the community of folks working in live events & touring across the globe
Wednesday 31st July 6pm BST London / 7pm CET / 1pm EDT / 10am PDT. DM for the zoom link ❤

It’s Suicide Awareness, this Wednesday on The BACK LOUNGE, this time with a more female orientated angle and the factors behind it’s worrying increase. All genders welcome, and however this issue affects you, if it’s your own story, someone close to you, or someone you’re worried about whom you work alongside. First half of the call will be recorded and practical, recognising possible warning signs, what you can do, and importantly, the impact of its aftermath. The second half, we stop recording and it’s a safe space to share and find support. Our guests are Eoghan O Hagan and Georgina Levers from Music Support, Beverly Evans therapist & coach at Music in Mind and Mig Burgess, LD, mental health advocate and trustee of Back Up Tech. Wednesday 24th July 6pm BST London / 7pm CET / 1pm EDT / 10am PDT. DM for the zoom link and to show your support.

This week on The BACK LOUNGE our discussion is about surviving the ‘personalities’ in your workplace. Freelance work, in festivals and touring especially, can mean little accountability for bad behaviour. From micro aggressions to targeted bullying, and add to that how magnified it all can feel when you’re away from home and support networks. If you relate to this, you are so welcome to join our zoom call, speak or just listen, camera on or off. Knowing you are not alone in these situations really helps. Wednesday 17th July 6pm BST London / 7pm CET / 1pm EDT / 10am PDT. This call will not be recorded. DM for the link

This Wednesday on The BACK LOUNGE it’s a check in, no theme, talk about anything that’s going on for you. We’re peer support for folks working in live music and events. Connect with fellow humans at all stages of their careers, in every role, across the world who understand the lifestyle and why it sometimes feels like a calling. Wednesday 10th July 6pm BST London / 7pm CET / 1pm EDT / 10am PDT.

This Wednesday on The BACK LOUNGE it’s our birthday! 4 years and counting! Since the early days of the pandemic we’ve hosted weekly zooms for anyone working across live music and events, as a way to build community and provide support when times are hard, and to cheerlead the wins. Whatever you do in the industry and wherever you are in your career from just starting out to putting away your steel toe caps for good, and everything in-between – join us to meet like-minded folks from around the world who understand the lifestyle and all its quirks. Everyone d welcome, come by say hi. Wednesday 3rd July 6pm BST London / 7pm CET / 1pm EDT / 10am PDT. DM me for the link ❤

We’re skipping this week on The BACK LOUNGE, lots of folks at Glastonbury and other festivals, but we are back next week as usual and the next one is a BIG one, it’s our BIRTHDAY !!! 4 years ago who’d have thought a bunch of roadies meeting online to make sense of the pandemic would now be a massive global community? Come by say hi whether you’ve been before or not ✌️Wednesday 3rd July 6pm BST London / 7pm CET / 1pm EDT / 10am PDT. Link coming later this week or DM me

This Wednesday on The BACK LOUNGE Rowan McDonagh (The Cowshed) holds fort while I’m still out fighting the good fight on summer festivals. It’s a hello and a chat, nothing formal, come by to say hi and meet the community. In what is turning into a bit of a weird summer workwise for many, no one need feel isolated and everyone is welcome. Wednesday 19th June 6pm BST London / 7pm CET / 1pm EDT / 10am PDT.

Next Wednesday on The BACK LOUNGE our session is CONFIDENCE. What is this elusive thing and how do we cultivate it and hang on to it? Helping us negotiate the curveballs that derail us is Coach-Therapist Beverly Evans www.music-in-mind.com. Everyone welcome, whether you’re a newbie to working in music, or a seasoned member of the school of hard knocks. Wednesday 5th June 6pm BST London / 7pm CET / 1pm EDT / 10am PDT. DM for the link if we’re not already connected.

Next Wednesday on The BACK LOUNGE our guest host is the fabulous Joanne Croxford ???????? rainbow hair, foxy eyewear and Sobriety & Diversity advocate in touring. This will be fun. This is a weekly zoom peer community for anyone working across live music and events. If you’ve ever felt isolated or a lone silo in a freelance world, this makes it better, we promise. Wednesday 19th May 6pm BST London / 7pm CET / 1pm EDT / 10am PDT DM for the link if we’re not connected yet.

This Wednesday it’s a catch up on The BACK LOUNGE with guest hosts Rowan Mcdonagh – production & stage manager, keeper of goats & champion of The Cowshed support group on FB; and Sytske Kamstra, yoga therapist & producer & music event freelancer. Join the chat, no agenda, if you work in live music join us. Wednesday 22nd May 6pm BST London / 7pm CET / 1pm EDT / 10am PDT