‘THE FUTURE OF LIVE MUSIC’ is our lofty subject on The BACK LOUNGE on Wednesday 6th November. We’ve all noticed there’s less work around and increasing cancellations for various reasons. This discussion is about understanding some of the issues fuelling this. From dynamic ticketing, to monopoly of the market, to where is all the money going and of course, what does this mean for us? Less grassroots venues, less talent coming up, less risk taking, and yes, less work. Joining us are Gideon Gottfried, Editor of Pollstar UK/Europe, Adam Webb, journalist and lead on FanFair Alliance campaign against online ticket touting, and Paul Jones, Technical Production Manager working at the coal face of events. Our zoom is a discussion with plenty of opportunity for thoughts and questions. To join please pre register here info@thebacklounge.org Wed 6th Nov 6pm London / 7pm CET / 1pm EDT / 10am PDT.

Next week on The BACK LOUNGE, our subject is ‘PDs’, that mysterious bonus payment with the amount varying widely across jobs, and whatever you get, no one wants to pay tax on. How much do you get? What is everyone else getting more? Why are they subject to their own nonsensical quirks, normally dictated by someone who has never toured and never in anyone’s favour? Ideas for how to make £20/20$ stretch across 3 meals and a day off in Oslo/ Tokyo/ NYC welcomed. Email info@thebacklounge.org to register for the zoom chat. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting ????
Wed 30th October 6pm London / 7pm CET / Note clocks have changed in uk&euro so its 2pm EDT / 11am PDT

Next Wednesday on The BACK LOUNGE it’s a check in, with music industry therapist Chris Madden. After last week’s call and, let’s face it, most of us are affected in some way by current turbulent times, this one is about finding some wisdom and clarity in others’ behaviour, whatever their viewpoint. You’ll sleep all the better for it. Wed 16th Oct 6pm BST London / 7pm CET / 1pm EDT / 10am PDT

Last night we ran a call on MISOGYNY on The BACK LOUNGE and we were zoom bombed. I’d heard about it happening on 12 step and minority meetings, but in 4 years we’ve never had it on our lovely safe community we host weekly to support anyone in music & events. A group of people joined and rapidly took over, shouting vile hateful language, playing loud white noise and naming us and screen sharing offensive images. We kept the zoom going and methodically removed them as fast as we could. If you’ve ever been witness to anything like this, it’s pretty horrific and an assault on all your senses – the whole thing lasted maybe 4 minutes, but believe me it felt like a long 4 minutes. Afterwards, with 10 of us left, we decided to carry on and thankfully others re-joined and we ran the call as planned. A huge thanks to everyone who was with us and who’ve sent messages since. We appreciate you. And to our guests Estella Adeyeri, Vanessa & Jojo Offshoot and Denise Devenish for holding us through it, thanks for the beautiful circle we created, despite the arseholes who tried unsuccessfully to end our call. It just makes me more determined to host calls like this, clearly they’re needed. Love & Respect, Suzi and The BACK LOUNGE

Next Wednesday we’re tackling ‘MISOGYNY’ on our BACK LOUNGE zoom session, with guests Estella Adeyeri from feminist punk band Big Joanie, Vanessa Govinden & Jojo Khor, musicians / founders of www.offshoottours.com/ and providing support is music industry counsellor Denise Devenish www.denisedevenishcounselling.co.uk If this is an issue that has affected you in the workplace, if you’ve been witness to it and weren’t sure what to do, or you want to stand up and be an ally, this is a safe space. DM for the ZOOM LINK. We will not be recording this session. Wed 9th Oct 6pm BST London / 7pm CET / 1pm EDT / 10am PDT

Next Wednesday on The BACK LOUNGE ‘Roadies in Recovery’ are in residence and its everything you ever wanted to know about 12 step. Our guests are Joanne Croxford (TM/Tour Coordinator), Jon Ostrin (FOH), Jus Percy (former TM now film industry) & Chris Tait (musician & founder Passenger Recovery). What is 12 step all about? What’s with those meetings and the erm …God thing? Our session will be in 2 parts – pt 1 we’ll speak generally and record a resource for sharing. Pt 2 unrecorded and confidential – we will open the mic where no questions are off limits. Wed 2nd October 6pm BST London / 7pm CET / 1pm EDT / 10am PDT
Time: Oct 2, 2024 06:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 889 2906 5318
Passcode: OpenSesame

Next Wednesday on The BACK LOUNGE it’s ‘MAYBE YOU’RE THE PROBLEM’ with guest Jack Williamson www.jackwilliamson.co.uk/ author, coach & music industry psychotherapist. Wherever it is you may be stuck, from the blame game to imposter syndrome, this one’s about confronting existing thoughts, beliefs and behaviours and getting out of your own way. Everyone welcome. Wednesday 25th September 6pm BST London / 7pm CET / 1pm EDT / 10am PDT.

Next Wednesday on The BACK LOUNGE it’s not one for the faint hearted. Our theme is SWEARING, for some of us it’s therapy in itself ????please expect a ‘colourful’ session, in a variety of languages… Our hosts are 3 of our regular musos – Sharon Keating, Simon Schofield & Chrissie Wilson. All welcome whatever you do in the industry. Therapy takes many forms… Wednesday 18thSeptember 6pm BST London / 7pm CET / 1pm EDT / 10am PDT.

This Wednesday’s BACK LOUNGE is a check in and loose theme of GEAR CHANGE – if summer is behind us, we’ve all now metaphorically gone back to skool, and the slide to the end of another year is ahead, how are you feeling? Have you had time to catch your breath and recalibrate, or is your bank account thinner than you’d like for post festival season? Rowan Mcdonagh PM (The Cowshed) and Tom Green TM are chairing. Wednesday 11thSeptember 6pm BST London / 7pm CET / 1pm EDT / 10am PDT

Next week on The BACK LOUNGE it’s all about getting moving. Whether you’re barely able to make it round the block, or you’re already a runner, this one is about inspiring you to step up and get fitter. Our guests are Jimmy ‘Running Punk’ – co founder of the incredible www.runningpunks.com uniting running & music with attitude, AND Production Manager Nick Gosling who went from no running to Central Park Half Marathon, Empire State Building Runup and started a run group on tour this summer with his own team & other crews & musicians. If you’re looking for inspiration as to where to start or want to connect with others already doing it, this one’s for you. Wednesday 4th September 6pm BST London / 7pm CET / 1pm EDT / 10am PDT.
DM for the link to join the zoom ????

This Wednesday on The BACK LOUNGE, it’s a hello and a chat as we reach the end of summer. I’ll be back in the chair post tour. Older, probably no wiser, a few tales to tell and looking forward to my own bed. Join our community of like-minded folks working across touring and live music, whatever your role in front or behind the scenes and whatever your level of experience, all welcome here. Wednesday 28th August 6pm BST London / 7pm CET / 1pm EDT / 10am PDT.

What makes you a good ‘hang’ on tour? This Wednesday BACK LOUNGE regular Maja – Tour Manager & Merchandiser – is hosting a discussion on if being part of the gang & great to have around is as important to being rehired as your skill set… what does that actually mean? DM for the zoom link to join the chat. Wednesday 21st August 6pm BST London / 7pm CET / 1pm EDT / 10am PDT