Next week on The BACK LOUNGE we’re celebrating LGBTQ+ history month with EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED TO ASK about gender & sexuality. Here’s your opportunity to ask questions in a safe space, without judgement or shaming – all we ask is be kind & be curious. Our guests are Saskhia Menendez, trans woman activist & Laura Ferguson,LGBTQ+ empowerment coach & hypnotherapists. By educating yourself & making a personal choice be an ally, YOU help our industry open up to more diversity ❤ Wednesday 21st February 6pm GMT / 7pm CET/ 1pm EST / 10am PST DM for the zoom link

Next Thursday on The BACK LOUNGE its part 2 of our CV sessions & how to get your ducks in row to find work. This one is specifically about LINKED IN Profiles. Is it worth having one? It’s not just for full timers & corporate … & why would you not use a service that promotes what you do & who you are – for free? Our guests are Richard Turrell Director of Marketing (Handle) handlefreelancesolutions.co.uk
& Paul Jones Tech Prod Manager UK Freelancers Forum. If you have no idea where to start or how to make it work for you, join our discussion. DM for the zoom link. THURSDAY 15th February 6pm GMT / 7pm CET/ 1pm EST / 10am PST
PS Part 1 CV workshop is top 5 of our most popular calls ever- message if you’d like the recording.

Next week on The BACK LOUNGE it’s ‘TOURING WITH A DIAGNOSIS’. Most us working in live & touring are freelance, so what happens when you have a long-term health issue? The industry to date has been notoriously unforgiving, meaning stigma in revealing you have a condition, whether or not it affects your ability to do your job. So, then what happens? Guests are Marisa Rinchiuso @marisarae15 – project manager for Academy of Live Technology @ Rock Lititz, touring stage manager & mental health grad & diagnosis of muscular dystrophy; Malle Kaas, CEO & Co-founder of Women in Live Music, sound engineer, diagnosis of a severe chronic autoimmune disease; & me, tour manager with diagnosis of a genetic eye condition = all kinds of fun in dark venues & with white light rock shows. We are all still out there working & touring. This has not meant the end of our careers. We hope you can join this call, whether this is something you directly experience, have ever had illness or otherwise impact your work, or are curious as to how you can support others. Wednesday 7th February 6pm GMT / 7pm CET/ 1pm EST / 10am PST. Everyone welcome, DM for the zoom link – This call will NOT be recorded.

Urgent call out to UK based freelancers! We need your help! You may have heard for those who attend BACK LOUNGE zooms about a survey we were helping put together…. This has come directly from our discussions about what do people get paid now? Rates went up, some are coming down again, whats it going to be in ’24? The less we share this info, the more likely we undercut each other. With no standardised rates and our silence encouraged, its painfully slow to change. We’re hoping the info around this and other issues facing freelancers will help us all going forward, but we need your help to FILL IT IN. Just a few precious minutes of your time, yes I know you’re busy… but this info is vital – the results of which will be a widely circulated and available for free. Please have a voice and take part, help make things better for us all IT IS COMPLETELY ANONYMOUS. The survey link is here https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LIVEmusic24

Next Wednesday it’s a check in on The BACK LOUNGE. No theme, just a chat, how’s your kick off to 2024? Good vibes for what’s ahead or still undecided? Join us to talk all things working in events and touring …or not working if your phone isn’t ringing off the hook just yet… it is still January…but when is it time to start worrying? Wednesday 31st January 6pm GMT / 7pm CET/ 1pm EST / 10am PST. Everyone welcome

This Wednesday it’s a CV WORKSHOP on The BACK LOUNGE. If you’re newish to the industry you definitely need one & if you’ve been here for donkeys’ years already, you may be finding you’re getting asked for one more & more. Wherever you’re at, we’re looking at how to best show off your skillset, what should be in it & how to make yours’ stand out. Answering questions & providing advice are Paul Jones, Tech Prod Manager UK Freelancers Forum, Rowan McDonagh Prod Manager (The Cowshed), Richard Turrell Director of Marketing (Handle) handlefreelancesolutions.co.uk
& me, Tour Manager (Healthy-Touring) Wednesday 17th January 6pm GMT / 7pm CET/ 1pm EST / 10am PST

As January continues to January hard, our theme this Wednesday on The BACK LOUNGE is ’NEW YEARS’ RESOLUTIONS’. On this the week of National Quitters Day – statistically the day most people give up their ‘this year I’m going to….’; we’re looking at why they often don’t work & how can you cultivate habits that stick beyond the end of this week. Joining us is health & performance coach Marni Wandner who has a background of 20 years in the music industry & a passion for living healthier & brighter. Everyone welcome, especially those who are serious about stepping up their game. Wednesday 10th January 6pm GMT / 7pm CET/ 1pm EST / 10am PST

Happy new year everyone! Our first BACK LOUNGE zoom of 2024 is ‘IMPOSTER SYNDROME’. We’ve run this before & it’s been enlightening to see how many of us feel this, irrespective of where you may be in your career. Our esteemed guest helping guide our discussion is Tour Manager & diversity advocate Lotje Horvers https://www.diversityontour.com/ DM for the link THURSDAY 4th January 6pm GMT / 7pm CET/ 1pm EST / 10am PST ????✊

Hugely proud to announce I am now officially one of the new trustees of Music Support. I’m looking forward to supporting the crucial work they do in mental health and addiction both personally and via the beloved BACK LOUNGE. You can find out more about what they do here https://www.musicsupport.org ❤️????????#recoveryispossible #musicmentalhealth #mentalhealthfirstaid #thebackloungetouring

Our next BACK LOUNGE and our last meet of 2023 is Wed 27th Dec ????We’re having a general catch up for anyone needing a break from all the festivities ????and especially for those who this time of year feels poignant or isolating. Whatever your home set up is, and however you choose to spend this time, come hang with some friendly like-minded folks for a virtual hug, a laugh and a bit of distraction ????✌️❤Wed 27th Dec 6pm London GMT/ 7pm CET/ 1pm EST / 10am PST

This Wednesday it’s our last BACK LOUNGE before Christmas ????Love the season or loathe it, there’s not much avoiding it & if you’re not surrounded by family & friends it can be tough. We’re a community of music pros from all over, providing connection, a chuckle or a wee cry if that’s what you need. Whether you’ve not been before or we’ve not seen you for a while come say hi & raise a cup of tea, a sherry for Santa or a glass of eggnog (as a Brit I still don’t actually know what eggnog is) First hour is our catch up – all welcome ❤& then the second hour is Secret Santa for those who are partaking ????Wed 20th Dec 6pm London GMT/ 7pm CET/ 1pm EST / 10am PST

This Wednesday on The BACK LOUNGE I’m popping out but I’ve given Simon Schofield the keys. Original roadie, PM, crew boss, dog dad & all round loveliest guy you’d want on your team ❤ It’s a chat, it’s a check in, it’s a catch up. DM for the link Wed 13th Dec 6pm London GMT/ 7pm CET/ 1pm EST / 10am PST