Over the Bridge

Over the Bridge is a community in Canada who provide peer support for anyone in the music community who is either in recovery from substance misuse, or, wants to be a part of a supportive community which works to destigmatise the industry’s converations around recovery. They do this by hosting an active Facebook community, weekly support group meetings and workshops. They are particularly passionate to train the industry about how to adminster Noloxone, a synthetic drug used in an overdose situation that can block or reverse the effects of opioids. Check out their website for resources and more on this valuable learning.


Unison are an excellent charity that can help any Canadian music industry professional who is in need of financial or emotional support. Their confidential counselling service operates via telephone and online 24/7, 365 days a year. They also offer special access to health insutance that is designed to suit those in our industry and their financial assistance programmes are designed to help Canadian music workers when they need help most.